Radio Advertising Benefits

Advertising Benefits

Radio Promotions offer the chance to make a very big splash around your chosen area giving a huge burst of awareness... usually offering the listener/customer a major prize incentive. Tailoring a promotion such as this takes care and consideration to make sure you get the return on your investment required and not simply a freebie for the listener.

Building in the chance to create a database is often a worthwhile exercise allowing you to benefit over the coming months from this initial investment. The totally tailored nature of a promotion gives the advertiser the chance to provide BIG exposure to the key feature of their business... through pre promoted trails, live presenter talk ups and endorsement, on location live links, online micro-sites, data collection, Podcasts, Vodcasts, Texts, 3rd party support, sampling event management, station promo team support etc, In fact almost anything is possible … the more creative the better!! Leave it to us!

Radio has a “multiplier effect” on other media

Radio’s way of multiplying the effect of other media is a feature of multi-media research studies. The original Millward Brown Awareness Multiplier Study showed how radio multiplies the effect of TV, by shifting some of the TV spend to radio, keeping overall budget the same, sales grew by an average of 9% and since then the finding has been re-echoed in the joint OAA/RAB study into radio & outdoor, and also the "US RAEL" study into radio verses print.

Radio’s multiplier effect seems to originate in the fact that it is an audio-only medium, and therefore stimulates a different part of the brain.

Radio is “a friend”

Listeners use radio for emotional reasons - to keep their spirits up, to stop themselves from feeling bored in a car or isolated while doing daily chores. This leads to them seeing radio as a kind of friend, and this is a valuable context for an advertiser to appear in.